About me

I am a second-year computer science master's student at Brown University.

Currently, I am working under Dr. Jeff Huang at Brown HCI Lab. We are exploring the effect of visualizations on people's self-reflection over their personal text data. In my senior year at Emory University, I worked with Dr. Emily Wall, who leads Emory CAV Lab. My research interests are data visualization, human-computer interaction, as well as how we might incorporate LLM into data visualization pipelines.

To pronounce my name, think of it like "John Jane Shoe". In my free time, I like being a barista and photographer.

What i'm doing

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    Masters Program

    Second-year CS student @ Brown.

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    Seeking Connections

    I am actively seeking to establish connections with people in the field of data visualization!

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    Applying to Ph.D.

    I am applying to Ph.D. programs in the field of HCI and data visualization.



  1. Brown University

    2023 — 2025

    I am currently a second-year master's student at Brown University studying computer science.

  2. Emory University

    2019 — 2023

    At Emory, I studied computer science. In my senior year, I conducted research under the guidance of Dr. Emily Wall, who leads the Emory Cognition and Visualization Lab.